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Different methods you can use when picking the winning lottery numbers. Continue reading to see what methods other winners have used in the past.
The biggest dilemma when playing a lottery games is how and which numbers to pick. Every lottery player has different approach: picking numbers based on important dates, such as birthdays or anniversaries, picking them randomly or in patterns, and so on. In this article we would like to present several different ways of picking winning numbers that have worked for actual winners.
This is the most common approach, because many players choose their numbers based on birthdays of their closest ones. They have sentimental value to them which gives them stronger hope for win than just picking them at random.
Live Example: One actual winner that used seven lucky numbers based on birthdays of family members is Ira Curry from Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA. She won the $636 million Mega Millions jackpot on 18 December 2013, the second largest jackpot in the history of USA.
Rarely anyone knows that picking numbers randomly is voted as the best approach by experts. It’s not that this way you are guaranteed to win the jackpot, it’s because picking numbers at random means that it is less likely someone else has picked them too, so you don’t have to share the amount won.
Live Example: A truck driver used this approach in August 2014 to win the $90 million Powerball Jackpot, the biggest payout in the history of Colorado, as well as a middle-aged couple back in December from Fort Saskatchewan, which landed them $50 million, the second biggest win in Alberta, Canada.
There is another kind of lotto players, those that look up statistics and like to do calculations when picking their numbers. Such is the approach of picking lotto numbers that are most frequently drawn, by going through lists provided by lottery authorities.
Live Example: We don’t have a live example of a winner that used this approach, but we can give you good and relevant sources where you can see which numbers have been drawn the most in lotto. One such source is a lottery dedicated British website, where you can find frequency graphs, dates when specific numbers have been drawn last etc, while the other source is Euro Millions.
Since each number in lottery and lottery based games has an equal chance of getting drawn, some lotto players tend to stick with the same numbers with each draw, hoping that someday the numbers will be bound to be drawn.
Live Example: An example of this approach is Richard Lustig, the seven-time lottery winner, who has been playing lotto for 25 years and has even published a book about winning in lottery. His advice to lotto players is to pick their own set of numbers, to take some time to research them well, and to stick with them. This way they have the greatest odds of winning at least once.
Besides books on how to pick winning numbers, there are also other tools, such as systems and prediction software; although experts say that these tools won’t help players much, probably because the majority of systems and programs are more of a scam than helpful.
Live Example: However, there is one documented case of a lotto player that has won more than $20 million in May 2011. This elderly gentleman, named Paul Hemphill from Florida used a computer program to pick the numbers, and claims that there was another time when this program picked winning numbers for him in 1995, although he never managed to actually play the ticket.
Picking your lucky numbers is a very commonly used approach, mainly used by superstitious persons. Almost everyone has at least one lucky number that he uses for various purposes, and experts claim that numbers ending in 7 are commonly used as lucky numbers. But what stops you from changing your current set of lucky numbers to a new set of numbers?
There have been reports of several winners that have claimed to be using the numbers provided inside of fortune cookies. So if you are a bit superstitious and somewhat of a believer when it comes to the fortune telling of fortune cookies then why not use those numbers to win a multi-million lotto jackpot? But it is important to actually feel that these numbers are lucky for you. Who knows, maybe you have the gift to sense the energy of winning lotto numbers.
Live Example: Thanks to numbers found inside a fortune cookie, a 75-year old woman won $2million in February, 2014 after matching 5 out of 6 numbers. After she won, she told reporters she would invest her money and also plan for a vacation to Switzerland to visit some relatives.
This is an interesting approach that some people have, picking the numbers that haven’t been drawn for a longer time, which are also referred to as “cold numbers”. The common logic here is that they are bound to be drawn anytime sooner. But that can hardly be used in winning the lottery. Mathematicians and experts claim that if a number hasn’t been drawn for a while, it doesn’t mean it will be picked in the next draw. As said above, all numbers have an equal chance of being drawn.
Live Example: Just like with “Most Drawn Numbers”, we don’t have a real life winner story to share, but instead show useful statistics from relevant sources. Many lotteries provide statistics of the Most Overdue Numbers that normally show the number of days lapsed when a particular number was drawn the last time. So the logical thing to do for this approach is to pick the set of coldest numbers and take those and use as your winning ticket numbers.
Live Example 2: Here is another great example that displays Hot/Cold numbers provided by Michigan Lottery. They have created a script that allows you to see the hottest and coldest numbers from a selection between the last 10 to 100 draws. That proves that many lotteries can get really clever in how their players can retrieve certain statistics or historical data from their sites.
As we have demonstrated, there are several methods that can be used for picking the winnings numbers. There is no right or wrong way to go about it, but rather choosing the method that you gravitate the most towards in bringing you the desired luck. Remember that every number has the same chance of being picked and that it in the end it really comes down to just pure luck, nothing else. But don’t forget, you need to be playing and submitting your tickets in order to have chance of winning so you can belong to the pool of potential lucky millionaire winners hitting it big some day.