New Jersey Gambling License Renewal Deadline Approaching [...]
- March 27, 2017 By Samantha A. -
Img: www.pressherald.com
A casino plan that is more than likely to be on a ballot that will be statewide in November, would ultimately give the exclusive operating rights to the company that is behind the referendum effort.
Lawmakers in Augusta are criticizing the effort that would ultimately bring about the construction of a casino within York County during a very unusual public hearing that was held on Wednesday, stating that the company that is ultimately behind this proposal has been found to have a questionable history and would ultimately be handed the very exclusive as well as very lucrative rights to construct the casino if the voters do approve.
This Legislature is none the less going to put the whole casino question to the voters in November due to the backers collecting enough signatures that were required to place it on the ballot. The committee has only one other option that is to ultimately recommend the legislation to adopt the proposal without the required referendum.
In a very unusual twist, Dan Riley who is a lobbyist as well as an attorney stated that Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee retained him just hours before the hearing that was held on Wednesday in order to represent Bridge Capital, the company that is located in the Mariana Islands and is also the company that is behind the ballot push.
Dan Riley was asked and answered several questions that pertained to his client, yet did admit to having very limited information at the time and would have to ultimately learn more about this plan. Riley also admitted that it is the very first time within his 25 year career that he had been retained with such a short notice as well as having so little information. Bridge Capital did not send any other informed representatives to this hearing on Wednesday.