New Jersey Gambling License Renewal Deadline Approaching [...]
- December 2, 2015 By Samantha A. -
In Prior Lake Minnesota, a man who resides in Eden Prairie is facing a child neglect charge after he ultimately admitted to leaving his infant son in his car while he decided to go into a Mystic Lake Casino in order to gamble.
On November 21, 2015, the Mystic Lake police were called to the casino’s parking lot with a complaint that a person who was at the casino in the parking lot noticed that there was a baby who was crying on the inside of an unattended SUV. When the officers arrived they discovered that there was a 17 month old baby boy who was strapped into a car seat that was wearing a onesie as well as being covered with a blanket. The outside temperature was a very brisk 25 degrees.
After a hunt, the police later found this child’s father, 29 year old man named Nicholas Anderson who had been inside the casino for close to two hours gambling. According to the written complaint, this 29 year old man named Nicholas Anderson told the police “Nothing Good” could ultimately happen to a baby that was left in a vehicle that was unheated as well as unattended in this cold weather.
This 29 year old man, Nicholas Anderson ultimately faces up to a year in prison time as well as a $3,000 dollar fine if he is convicted of child neglect.