Nevada Governor Signed a Bill that Allows eSports Betting

- May 31, 2017 By Oliver Young -
The state of Nevada has been the capital state of the US gambling industry for years, even decades. Even though there are other states where gambling is legal, Nevada with the gambling mecca that is Las Vegas has always taken centre stage. Nevada always tries to stay on top of things, by adjusting its legislation […] Continue Reading
Casino Blackjack Dealer Admits to Stealing 10 Thousand Dollars

- May 29, 2017 By Samantha A. -
A blackjack dealer from South Dakota has plead guilty to stealing 10 thousand dollars from casino he was previously employed at. Plea of Guilty by Jeremy Brown A casino Blackjack dealer, Jeremy Brown has plead guilty in a federal court this current month of May to a charge of felony conspiracy. The court documents allege […] Continue Reading
South Africa Confiscates Online Gambling Winnings

- May 29, 2017 By Oliver Young -
Even though South Africa legalised gambling as soon as the apartheid was abolished, as the process of democratisation began with the election of Nelson Mandela as the country’s President, the situation concerning online gambling is far from clear. There have been several attempts to fully legalise online gambling in the country, but online gambling is […] Continue Reading
Massachusetts Still Waiting for Online Gambling Legalisation

- May 23, 2017 By Riley Wilson -
For a while, it seemed Massachusetts was on its way to join a group consisting of only few states, where online gambling was legal. No specific dates were set, but it was suggested such legislation could be adopted this year. Sadly, it is likely that 2017 won’t be that year. According to Massachusetts Senate President, […] Continue Reading
Australian State Wants a Big Slice of the Gambling Cake

- May 18, 2017 By Riley Wilson -
The officials of the Australian state of Victoria are about to introduce a new proposal for the gambling tax. The proposal has been described as ‘radical’ and its arrival is somewhat a surprise, since Victoria was a part of an earlier deal made by several other states not to open the whole issue until the […] Continue Reading
Vermont Set to Legalise Daily Fantasy Sports

- May 17, 2017 By Oliver Young -
Whether daily fantasy sports are a game of chance or a game of skill is a long and ongoing debate, especially in the US, where the difference may have very serious implications. Namely, if DFS is considered to be a game of skill it is a lot easier to legalise it, whereas if the verdict […] Continue Reading
New Resort-Casino in Las Vegas Pushes Opening to 2020
- May 15, 2017 By Samantha A. -
The Multibillion dollar Resort and Casino project that is being constructed on the strip within Las Vegas has been delayed for another year. This casino and resort is being constructed in order to cater to the city’s Chinese-American and Chinese tourist. This huge announcement came on Wednesday. Overhaul of Original Design Edward Farrell who is […] Continue Reading
Indiana New Casino Bill Applauded by Operators

- May 15, 2017 By Oliver Young -
It is not often that casino operators are happy about legal proposals that deal with gambling revenue taxation. In most cases operators complain that lawmakers are only interested in increasing tax revenues in order to fill the gaps in their state budgets, not caring whether operators can sustain such a tax rate. That is not […] Continue Reading
New York Senate Committee Approves Online Poker Bill

- May 10, 2017 By Oliver Young -
There has been several attempts to push forward pro-gambling legislation in New York. It has to be said that this state is not as restrictive as most other US states. In fact, in 2013 citizens approved changes of the State Constitution that allowed establishment of casinos outside Indian reservations. Senator John Bonacic is one of […] Continue Reading
Connecticut Moves Closer to Having its Third Casino

- May 8, 2017 By Samantha A. -
A Connecticut Indian Tribes plan to construct a third casino in the area of East Windsor is getting a step closer. On Monday they received the blessing of a key legislative committee. The key legislative committee approved the bill that would ultimately allow the Mohegan and the Mashantucket Pequot Tribes to construct a very modest […] Continue Reading