New Jersey Gambling License Renewal Deadline Approaching [...]
- August 22, 2016 By Samantha A. -
Img: www.myinforms.com
A security Guard that used to work at Caesars has admitted to committing the robbery at the Casino. He admitted to robbing the Casino very shortly after the Casino fired him in the year of 2004, which netted more than $180,000.00 as well as started a 3 state manhunt.
Izyiah Plummer at the age of 21, pleaded guilty to all of the charges that were placed against him on Monday August 22, 2016. These charges included conspiracy, 1st degree armed robbery, aggravated assault as well as other weapons offenses.
The state is ultimately recommending that Plummer be sentenced to a maximum of 15 years in a state prison, which will include nearly a 13 year span that he will not be eligible for parole. The sentencing hearing is set to take place on November 18, 2016.
This plea of guilty ensures that Izyiah Plummer will not be engaging in any illegal inside robbery jobs of this sort for many years. It has been stated by the Attorney General that Plummer has ultimately demonstrated with this brazen act that he is a very dangerous criminal who does belong behind bars.
This robbery actually took place on July 14, 2014, 2 weeks after Izyiah was fired from the casino.
Following are allegations from the authorities:
Plummer as well as his accomplice entered into the casino wearing gloves as well as mask around 6:00am
Plummer was the person to be pointing a handgun at a currently employed security guard ass well as another employee who were loading cash boxes onto a cart. The accomplice Aaron Even at the age of 26 removed these cash boxes from the cart.
Both Plummer and Evans ran from the casino, dropping one of three boxes. The two boxes that were taken contained approximately $181,200.00 in cash.